Tag: PlayBook LiteFTP
Overview :
LiteFTP v1.1.0.12 for blackberry playbook apps
LiteFTP is a very simple ftp client for BlackBerry® PlayBook™ that allows users to download and upload files to a FTP server. LiteFTP implements a basic FTP client that can send, receive, list, delete files, and create directories.
** Upcoming release will enable download and upload to continue the transfer even if the apps is inactive or user opening other apps such as reading website in browser **
- support for download, upload and chmod command.
- support delete, rename, add new folder and file/folder informations.
- built-in text file editor.
- store login information to multiple sites.
- support passive and extended passive mode connections only.
How to use:
- in ftp view, click once to select file or folder, double click to browse inside the folder.
- chmod and simple file editor is in file/folder info. chmod only work with unix/linux server. Only file in local system can be edited.
- UI has been redesigned in this new version of LiteFTP.
- only shared local file system are enabled in local files view. (documents, downloads, music, photo and etc)
- please email support@yobmedia.net.my for any suggestions and bugs. We will try to update it ASAP.