05-13 BB Blue wallpaper BB Blue wallpaper - Blackberry Z10 built-in wallpaper, Download it. Your phone can also like the Z10 has a blue wallpaper background. Blackberry Z10 built-in wallpaper pack:http://w... more
05-13 Blackberry Z10 built-in ringtones BlackberryZ10built-inringtones ,verycoolandpersonality,believingthatthefriendwhodonotpurchasetheZ10wanttodownloadthisbell,then,youcandownloadhere. The Pack have 8 ringtones, file si... more
05-03 Theme 1.2 released for BlackBerry Z10 & Q10 S4BB Limited has released Theme 1.2 for BlackBerry 10. The new version has a redesigned user interface, making it easier to set the Theme of your choice. Theme 1.2 is also compatibl... more